To our Raiders players, parents, carers, grandparents and friends, '
As you know we are coming to the end of the season and therefore we wanted to inform you of upcoming dates, events and end of year award nights.
Under 8's: The last Tuesday night session will be 28th August with no Hawks wind-up - pennants will be handed out by Hawks at the end of that session.
Under 10-12's: Your last regular season game will be this weekend, followed by a round robin competition on the weekend of the 31 Aug - 1 Sep. At the end of the round robin competition, each grade will go upstairs for team presentations by Hawks. Please see likely timetable attached.
Under 14-20's: Your last regular season game will be the weekend of 31 Aug - 1 Sep 18. If you finish in the top four then you will have semi-finals on the weekend of 7-8 Sep 18 (1v 4, 2 v 3), and if you win this game then the grand final will be on the weekend of 14-15 Sep 18. Again, see likely timings attached.
This year we are introducing four new awards:
Player's Coach of the Year (U12 and Below)
Parent's Manager of the Year (U12 and Below)
Player's Coach of the Year (U14 and Above)
Player's/Parent's Manager of the Year (U14 and Above)
We have introduced these awards to have you involved in recognising those volunteers who spend a significant amount of their own time supporting you and your parents in providing you the opportunity to be involved and engaged in basketball.
A submission simply requires you to send an email to me (garyhale@ozemail.com.au ) by no later than Wednesday, 29th August that includes the following information:
Who you are nominating and for what award.
Your team number.
Why you are nominating them (1-2 paragraphs at most).
Who is nominating them (could be single person, part or whole team).
We look forward to seeing the submissions pouring in - a decision on the final winners will be assessed by a panel of our committee members, with winners announced at the end of year functions.
Key dates for wind-ups will be:
The Junior Wind-Up (for U8, U10 and U12), will be held on Friday night 7th September from 6pm at Newman College in the function room attached to the Gym. See details below.
The Youth Wind-Up (Under 14, U16, U18, U20), will be held on Wednesday 12th September from 6pm, again at Newman, in the function room attached to the Gym. See detail below.
Junior Wind-Up - Friday, 7th September 2018 @ Newman College
This year, we will take groups of 4-5 teams at once for presentations, to avoid long presentations. There will be clear signage on the door of the presentation room to let everyone know exact times that we expect you to be there for the presentations.
The rough time slots are listed below with your managers having specific timings. You are welcome to come before, and stay a little later. We wish to remind you that you must remain responsible for your children while there.
Under 8's: 5.50pm to 6.20pm
Under 10's/Miniball: 6.00pm to 7:00pm
Under 12's: 7:00pm to 8.30pm
Each team needs to provide a volunteer who will either need to serve food or cook. It is likely to last 30 minutes each. It should not be the coach, or manager. Club Manager's will be sending this note out shortly.
Youth Wind-Up - Wednesday, 12th September 2018 @ Newman College
The Youth wind-up (Under 14-Under 20's), will be on Wednesday 12th September, again at Newman, in the function room attached to the Gym.
It will start at 6pm and go through to 9pm.
This is the Wednesday before the grand finals. If your team is in a Grand Final and has training this night, please let us know and we will change the timing of your team's presentations to fit in with your training.
Again, you are welcome to attend before, and stay later.
Under 14's: 5.50pm - 7pm
Under 16's: 7pm to 8pm
Under 18/20's: 8pm to 8.30pm
Again, each team needs to provide a volunteer who will either need to serve food or cook. It is likely to last 30 minutes each. It should not be the coach, or manager. Club Manager's will be sending this note out shortly.
There will be time during each team slot to present trophies, but not for a full wind up, for those wanting to present extra gifts, you will be able to find an area on the balcony, or similar after the trophies have been presented that you can present gifts if you have them.
Good luck to everyone for the end of the season - go Raiders!!
Gary Hale
NHR Raiders Junior Basketball Club
M: 0400 720-740
E: garyhale@ozemail.com.au
W: http://www.nhrraiders.com.au/
F: https://www.facebook.com/nhrraiders