Dear Players, Parents, Carers and Coaches,
We have all been a blindsided by the coronavirus and the fall out that social distancing has had on our season. I hope you are all keeping safe, and staying home.
I have not emailed earlier, as the situation seems to change on a daily basis. We play in the Perry Lakes Hawks competition, hence, we are bound by their decisions, which have been updated today based on Basketball WA (BWA) advice (see attached).
In summary, all basketball competition is suspended in Western Australia until May 29th.
The dates will be reviewed in line with instructions from BWA, Basketball Australia and the position of the State Government. I will forward any significant news as soon as it comes to hand.
Hawks and Raiders are both very keen to see a season happen this year. We are currently hoping to start playing again at the end of May, but have no control over what will happen with the coronavirus spread. In the interim, please be reassured we are currently working behind the scenes on what options we can put in place for a reduced or cancelled season. I thank you for your patience in allowing us to work through this process.
While you are at home, please try and improve on your individual skills, there a training drills available on our website (https://www.raidersbasketball.club/about1-cie6), there are also heaps online options. Home Court is one, (https://www.homecourt.ai/) this is free until the end of April (make sure you make your work outs private, not public). As you find others, please put them in a comment about social isolation boredom that we will have on our facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/nhrraiders/). The ones we think everyone should be using, we will then put links to on our website (https://www.raidersbasketball.club/). It is essential that you keep up your fitness, please also practice your ball handling and shooting skills (if you have a hoop). These will be very helpful come the start of the season.
We have not had many requests for refunds, but anticipate some of you may be in financial hardship, in which case please reach out to Mark Lockyer, our treasurer on mjlocky@bigpond.com and myself and we will see what we can do regarding early refunds.
Kind regards,
Richard Nolan
President NHR Raider Basketball Club