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February Update

Updated: Mar 8, 2022

Dear Players, Parents and Carers,

Please note the important notes below...

1. Help us get more court space.

We are incredibly frustrated with the lack of court space available to us through Hawks at Bendat. Hawks are able to field, it is essential you help us out by writing to your local politicians asking for them to provide more facilities. We will put up example letters that you can forward onto your local and federal politicians, or if you know them personally, even better. This initiative was started by Clare-Cott, but we are very keen to see as much push behind it as possible. Click here to see how you can help

2. Emails are not getting through.

I have been advised that some people are not getting these emails. The email ONLY goes to the primary account holder, so unlike previous years when it would go to both parents, this now only goes to one.

In addition, I suspect it is getting blocked at some stage, so if you have friends and family, please check with them that they have received it. If not, please get them to email me directly while I am sorting out how to fix it.

3. Year 1 and Year 2, Under 8s waitlists.

In the next few days we will put up a form on our website for people who wish to nominate for the Under 8 programs. Registrations have not opened yet, but this will enable people who are keen to be listed so we can let you know when it opens. Click here

4. Learn to be an Umpire

Perry Lakes Hawks will be having a level 0 umpiring course coming up on March 27th from 1-5pm. You must be 12 years of age or over. We will post a link to register when it is available on both our Facebook page and our website (not open for registration yet).

5. Mandatory Vaccination Update.

There is a requirement for all players and spectators who are 16 years of age or over to be vaccinated to attend Lords Recreation Centre, Churchlands High School Gym, Holy Rosary Gym. The rules on the other two venues, being Newman and Bendat do not require it, but may change. Please assist us in abiding by their requirements, we will be forced to implement them by the venues. Again, if you are not vaccinated, please reach out to me.

6. Need a few more players for Year 4 Girls, and Year 12 boys.

We have enough to field teams, but another 2-3 players would be welcome in each of these age groups. If you know someone who is interested, please get them to email me, or our registrar.

7. Pre-season sessions for Under 14s + Under 16s

Last weekend we had some amazing sessions, led by Shawn Redhage and his coaches. All those who attended had a ball, learnt some new skills and re-bonded with friends. It also helps the Club to sort out teams for the season coming.

We NEED all players in Under 14 and Under 16 (Years 7-10) to attend. We have a few apologies for other commitments, but please try as much as possible to get there. The times are on our website, but for this weekend it is all at LORDS:

  • Year 8 Boys 11.30am-1pm - anyone who was not able to, or not scheduled to attend last week.

  • Year 9 Boys 1.15pm-2.45pm - anyone who was not able to, or not scheduled to attend last week.

  • Year 7 Boys 3.00pm - 4.30pm - anyone who was not able to, or not scheduled to attend last week.

  • Year 10's and our girls teams will be the following weekend.

Please bring water, and wear a singlet if at all possible.

If you have not already let us know about not being able to come, please contact Paul Trettel.

Thank you all,

Season coming, and planned to go ahead, in some shape or form.

Go Raiders!!

Richard Nolan

President NHR Raiders Basketball Club


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